Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Personality Tests

Going through the Employment Portfolio assignments I had a suggestion to do a "Personality Test".  Today we're going to be taking a Myers-Briggs personality test.  This will give you an estimate of what your "personality type" is.  Personality types can help you select occupations or college majors if you are undecided.
  • Answer the questions as honestly as you can, and try to not leave the sliders in the center.  If you're honest about your feelings, the results are more accurate.
  1. When you have your result, type your personality type as the title in a new Microsoft Word document.  (Mine is ENFJ, for example).
  2. Summarize your "Strengths" in a short paragraph.  Make a note about whether this is accurate or not.
  3. Summarize your "Weaknesses" in a short paragraph.  Make a note about whether this is accurate or not.
  4. Click the "Personal Relationships" button. Discuss how your "Personal Relationship" results are right or wrong.
  5. Click the "Career" button.  Summarize the "Work Habits" section and discuss whether you think the results are accurate or not.
  6. Summarize the "Career Plans" section.  Make a bulleted list of careers that [according to the test] might work for your personality type.  Discuss whether you think those are careers that might interest you.
Next, take another Myers-Briggs test here to see if your results are similar (choose either or both): https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
  1. Did you get the same personality type?  How are they similar?  How are they different?
  2. Having taken two different Myers-Briggs tests, how has your view of your place in the world changed?  Why or why not?
Note, do a search on Google for your personality type.  For example, if I opened Google and typed ENFJ, I would see a LOT of pages based on my particular personality type.

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