Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Asking Questions During an Interview

"Wait... I have to ask THEM questions when they are interviewing ME?!"

Yes.  An interview should be a two-way conversation.  You shouldn't monopolize the conversation, but you shouldn't sit there seemingly disinterested either.

Imagine for a moment that you are introduced to someone new at a party.  You spend a while asking them questions about who they are, what interests them, what experiences they have had, and where they see themselves in the future.  You ask them, “Do you want to know anything about me?”  They reply, “Nope.”  What would you take from that meeting?  You would probably assume that they were not interested in you.

If an interviewer asks, "Do you have any questions for us?" and you reply, "No... I can't think of any."  They will get the impression that you are not serious about your application to their company.

Today we will discuss some of the questions you *might* ask during an interview -- obviously you won't ask ALL of them and you won't ask questions that aren't applicable.  We will also explain what benefits you get from asking these questions.

I am including the PowerPoint here: PowerPoint Presentation: Asking Questions During an Interview

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