Monday, April 11, 2016

Portfolio: Brag Sheet

Your homework is to ask a parent/guardian and a friend/family member for feedback about who you are, what your strengths are, etc.  We will use that information (and the experiences you have listed on your résumé) to create a "brag sheet."

So what is a brag sheet?

When applying for a job, a college, or a social program (i.e. becoming a foster parent) you need letters of recommendation -- a letter from someone you know who is willing to vouch for your character, experience, or skills.

The biggest difficulty in getting a letter of recommendation is asking someone and, of course, letting them know what it is you need from them.  What should they talk about in the letter?  What should they avoid?  Are there any achievements you would like them to highlight?  Are there other things you want them to know before they write your recommendation?

Today we will be creating a "Brag Sheet" with some of your history and accomplishments that you can give to someone when you ask for a letter of recommendation.

  1. Name as you would like it to appear on the letter.
  2. Address, Phone Number, and Email (similar to résumé)
  3. Do you have an intended major when applying to college?  What experience(s) have influenced this planned goal?
  4. About Me:  Create a bulleted list of six adjectives which you, your family, or friends would use to describe you.  Give an example for each.
  5. What are your proudest personal accomplishments?
  6. What do you choose to learn on your own time?
  7. Looking back at middle and high school, create bulleted lists of each the following:
  • Extracurricular (Student government, yearbook, music, drama, art, clubs, etc.)
  • Volunteer/Community Services
  • Sports (organized sports in and out of school)
  • Summer Experiences (Mission trips, summer travel programs (not vacations), etc.)
  • Awards/Honors (Includes school, regional or national prizes in any subject, sports awards, etc.)
  • Employment (Camp counselor, babysitting, tutoring, internships, jobs, etc.
  • Hobbies (Interests that are not organized, like reading [with a book list], computer programming, etc.  Be selective)
  1. Which course(s) have you enjoyed most?  Why?
  2. Which course(s) have given you the most difficulty?  Why?
  3. What positive factors (such as personal, family, summer experiences, teacher interactions) have contributed to your performance?
  4. Have there been events, circumstances or experiences which have had a negative impact on your academic standing?  (Moving, cultural differences, sickness, accidents, divorces, deaths, etc.)
  5. Looking back, how would you describe your high school experiences in the following ways:
  • Academically
  • Personally 
  • List extracurricular activities and hobbies in order of their importance to you.
  • Everything else should be listed in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.
  • Keep your Brag Sheet on 2 pages (or even better, 1 two-sided sheet).

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